Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blog 8

I think all the presentations were very organized and well presented. It was very interesting to learn about daiosim, hindusim, islam, and judaism. As a christian, I know alot about Judaism because i study it before. I also study Islam as well as buddhism so i knew quite a few things.

I learned that there's 39 catorgies on the sabbath day and there is no burning or electricity or finishing used on that day. Also, how they have Jewish laws, which i do not know alot about but they have a thing called green belts and don't cut down fruit bearing trees or dont eat limb torn from a living animal. I know there are tons of other stuff that i did not mention but the group that presented this religion did a good job.

I have study this religion and it's very interesting in itself. I know that they believe christianity is wrong in there beliefs because the original maniscripts were not passed down properly meaning it's not all believable. But i learned from the presentation that Allah has 99 different names and believe Jesus was a prophet. It also teaches people in islam to be kind, loving, civilized human beings.

Something like my group presentation on Buddhism, Hinduism teaches some of the same values in the same areas. It teaches that Hinduism was started in 3000bce, in the Indus valley civilization. It consist of the Caste system, they don't like the Tiger pouching that's going on and they feel planting trees is a duty. It was interesting!

It was formed in 300bc by Zhang and it's alternative to conficianism. They also believe that two forces are in constant stuggle within everything and that we must not destory the harmony of nature . I never heard anyting about this religion but it was very different and interesting so i enjoyed this one especially, plus we got cool gifts.

All the religions presented was all good and it taught me alot so i think i will do further research about them in the future to learn more:)

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