Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Research Topic

I haven't fully thought about my research topic but i think i want to do my paper on the environmental racism in the village near Lake Chad. I feel that would be a good topic but i know i need to narrow down my search to just one village. Also, I it would give me alot to write about because alot of people don't understand the effect we are having in Africa from our usage of artifical greenhouse gases. I don't quite know if i will have enough resources to complete my paper but looking on the internet i think i can find what i need but i do need to find one village. Because there are like 33 villages near Lake Chad and it will be impossible to write about all of them, so i just need to learn how to narrow that down.

My First resource is coming from a news report on the disappearing of Lake chad, it's from BBC News and it's a article about it. In the article they talk to people that depend on lake chad for resources to survive but because the lake is half not there it's becoming way harder for the villagers.

My second resource will be from An inconven truth because it has a couple of pages dedicated on my topic and in the book it tell and shows you have it's linked to global warming.
Plus, it's another source for showing me the impact it's having on the people surrounding the area.
An Inconvenient Truth, By: Al Gore

My third resource is coming from another new article that gives me some idea about a town i may want to write about and a village But i'm not sure yet. It's also explain to me the tension that's brewing within the community like the fisher, herdman, and villagers. It helps in making me understand the situation more so that i can be efficient in writing my paper.

Of course these are not my only sources because i will need way more but aleast these articles got my mind thinking about all the possibilities i can write about involving Lake Chad. And hopeful i can do it and write a good Paper about the environmental racism in Lake Chad villages or village:)
P.S i hope everyone voted!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

HANA said...

As you said, it will be nice paper if you make your topic more specific. What kind environmental racism does happen in the village near Lake Chad? Who are doing it?