Sunday, December 14, 2008
Blog !12...Last One
Question 1:
I would say blogging was fairly easy because in blogging you are just express how you feel about a certain issue or something you did and if that was hard to some people... that really crazy. The technology never messed up on me and the fun part about all of this was i got to express myself freely.
Writing each entry was to me painless... it was just getting access to a computer and after i did everything else fall into place and writing 250 words was easier than i first thought when i was told to for the first blog.
Sometimes it was slightly difficult to meet the deadline if you didn't do the blog and it was monday then it was easier to forget on that day so i would say somewhat difficult, the comments no because you allow us to do it the first 15 minutes of class. No i think the way it fine and yes keep the deadline for your next class.
It was fun reading other class member blogs...just reading what they wrote was fun!...honestly no i didn't found anything special, just like writing and reading... Yes comments were useful because it kind of encourage me to write more to see what others would say about my blog.
Ummmm, i would probably have to say when i took Eng 101 class when we had to write an essay every week but i like blogging better. that's all i can remeber rite now...
UUUmmmm lol i really don't kno.... it's fun but without knowing what to write about and no deadline, i think i will probably do it once in awhile...hopefully.... just so i can feel the freeness of writing in my own space.
Blog 11 MOre USeleSs CraP!!!!

Yes. this is true it cost 79.99...Personalized Bobble Heads....not cool!!!! Next lets see.....................................Is that Bacon floss...ummm yea it really useless!!! and a Santa Dreidel made of wood.....pooor trees.
some real nifty motorcycle christmas gifts
1. Harley Davidson Rocking Chair I'm sorry folks, but a Harley rocking chair ??? I'm biting my lips as I write... so many things come to mind: It's a wooden rocking chair for kids. You can buy it at Amazon for US$88. There's more below the fold:
2. Harley Davidson - Money Box Haven't got enough money to buy yourself a motorcycle ?? Need to start saving ? Here's your chance to save money to buy yourself a motorcycle, and to keep yourself motivated while doing so. A Harley-Davidson piggy bank.... Buy it at Amazon for US$ 17.95.
3. Gibraltar Oversized Motorcycle Throne Just what you need, after riding the Iron Butt, to come home and sit on this stool....or maybe use it for training to run the Iron Butt.. Cordura/vinyl seat with extra-soft foam. Adjusts from 20" to 28" high. Very stable double-braced legs with thick rubber feet. Buy at Amazon for US$ 119.99
4. Motorcycle Cop behind City Sign Now why would anyone want to buy a toy of a motorcycle Police Officer checking for speeding, hidden behind a city sign ?? Is it some kind of perverted pleasure ? Buy at eBay for US$10.00.
5. Motorcycle Tire Swing If you're going to make a swing, why not use a disgarded motorcycle .. at least it's original ! I can't really see kids using this as a swing. Buy at eBay for US$ 91.99.
6. Motorcycle Salt and Pepper Shaker Set Now the question is, what is salt and what is pepper ? Buy at Amazon for US$ 10.99
7. Motorcycle Wine Bottle Holder with Motorcycle Wine Bottle Topper Wine and motorcycles ??? Not a good combination (because motorcycles shake, and spoil the wine). Buy at Amazon for US$ 34.99
8. Motorcycle Ceiling Light Boy, will that thing race around if it's a Ducati.. you're head will be spinning... Buy at eBay for US$ 149.99.
9. Motorcycle Shaped 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle I don't know about you, but I'd rather ride one, than put one together that will never ride ! Buy at Amazon for US$ 17.99
10. Motorcycle Brick Thermometer Just stick your head out of the window, you'll know how hot or cold it is. Buy at Amazon for US$ 7.50
Australia useless two
Borat's great legacy to mankind is definitely one of the most useless Christmas presents of 2008 and retails at about $10-$15 a pop. A friend received one as a birthday present last year and had the drunken courage and generosity to try it on (sans-clothes) at a ski lodge. It was a hilarious and exotic event for those in attendance. However, few have this kind of courage and the truth is that most mankinis will never see daylight. It must also be noted that mankinis don't always bring joy to the world and are particularly inappropriate at Christmas time — they'll only scare the children. Save them for Halloween!
Penis warmer
This gift is sooooo 1970s! Mums and grandmas used to knit penis warmers in the Swinging Seventies, thinking it quite amusing and risqué. Maybe it was risqué 40 years ago (although I doubt it), now it is quite simply passé, not to mention useless. A quick survey of males has revealed they rarely, if ever, wear penis warmers, nor would they wear one if given one tomorrow. A tip for those who have already taken the plunge and knitted or purchased one of these abominations for Christmas 2008: the more generous ones can probably double as Christmas stockings and the smaller ones as potpourri bags.

1. Rainwater Catchalls-Ever see someone turning on their sprinklers after anight of rain, or turning on the hose to water the grass after days of heavy rain? This water use is not wise or sustainable. Rainwater catchalls can be ceramic pots in graduated sizes, a theme of glazed colors to coordinate with plants, or flowerbed lining trays with sluices leading to catchall pot drops. Catchalls can collect rainwater to preserve natural water, especially important in biodynamic areas with desert water sources or shortened water use hours or rationing. Catchalls for rainwater can be found in green use catalogs or found in environmentally aware retail outlets like garden supply stores or nurseries. Rainwaters catchalls can sit under trees or conductive spouts for greater containment potential.
2. Solar-Powered Anything-Small devices such as calculators used to be gimmicks, but solar power energy or solar light and power collectors make a savvy long term sustainable living gift. Solar power devices, panels, and collectors can now be arranged over rooftops and side walls (or near backyard pools) to collect heat. Green energy and renewable resource catalogs will have good options for gifts that reduce the electric bill, not increase it. Reflectors for areas with these panels can strategically be positioned to optimize limited sunlight. Solar powered gadget rechargers for small devices and phones and cameras can organically recharge without losing sustainability in the home.
Friday, December 5, 2008
2. 2009 Dog Poop Calendar-Each month features a spectacular landscape or breathtaking tableau, but somewhere in every shot there's a pile of dog poop. That's Just Freaking Disgusting and a waste of trees!
Because i want the extra credit..... here are more:
The Back Up - It's a pole stand that fits under your mattress so you can put your shotgun on the of your bed and the blanket covers it lol
Taser C2- It looks like a electric if your child picks it up to play with it, thousand of volts is going thru his/her body...yikes
the camouflage-patterned wallet- just stupid!
ERP IU cashcard cover - A Big Waste!
parking coupon holder- DDDDumb!
Seven More: 16 in all!!!!
2. Wealth Redistribution 2008 Holiday Ornament-This tree ornament announces that the ornament that used to be there has been removed and given to someone who needs it more. The Redistribution Holiday Ornament will let everyone know you're spreading the wealth whether you want to or not.
3. Mini Guitar Hero-This miniature version of that mega-hit game is barely 6-inches long but you can still rock out to songs by Queen, Cheap Trick, Nirvana, and The Police.
4. Potty Putter,Why waste time on the toilet- when you can use it to get ready for the fairway? Potty Putter contains everything you need for an exciting round of golf without leaving your seat including a putting green for around the toilet, mini putter, flag stick and two golf balls.
5. Wasabi Flavored Gumballs-These potent little green confections offer an intense explosion of wasabi. Strangely, the gum is actually delicious.
6. Men's Underwear Repair Kit-In this troubled economy, don't throw away your old underwear but repair it with the Men's Underwear Repair Kit. This handy, inexpensive kit provides everything you need to get your unsightly undershorts back into presentable shape.
7. Obama "Yes We Can" Opener-Every election spawns some interesting products, but this has to be one of the stupidest. To Obama fans, the "Yes, We Can" opener, seizing on his campaign refrain, could be a treasure
Monday, November 24, 2008
My awesome blog shows the charcteristics of a scientist and environmentalist all in one. Now i love science dearly so that could be the reason why i think this blog is awesome. To me science is everything and more because with out it we couldn't prove global warming was happening and what solutions are out there to reverse it. Meaning this blog is freaking cool, interesting, is on the top 35 blogs on and the here the website:
and my favorite newscientist blogs:
Dolphin serial killers?- september 2008
Do leap years bias temperature data?- sept. 2008
How GPS and Satnav Sally can cut CO2- sept.2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Blog 8
I learned that there's 39 catorgies on the sabbath day and there is no burning or electricity or finishing used on that day. Also, how they have Jewish laws, which i do not know alot about but they have a thing called green belts and don't cut down fruit bearing trees or dont eat limb torn from a living animal. I know there are tons of other stuff that i did not mention but the group that presented this religion did a good job.
I have study this religion and it's very interesting in itself. I know that they believe christianity is wrong in there beliefs because the original maniscripts were not passed down properly meaning it's not all believable. But i learned from the presentation that Allah has 99 different names and believe Jesus was a prophet. It also teaches people in islam to be kind, loving, civilized human beings.
Something like my group presentation on Buddhism, Hinduism teaches some of the same values in the same areas. It teaches that Hinduism was started in 3000bce, in the Indus valley civilization. It consist of the Caste system, they don't like the Tiger pouching that's going on and they feel planting trees is a duty. It was interesting!
It was formed in 300bc by Zhang and it's alternative to conficianism. They also believe that two forces are in constant stuggle within everything and that we must not destory the harmony of nature . I never heard anyting about this religion but it was very different and interesting so i enjoyed this one especially, plus we got cool gifts.
All the religions presented was all good and it taught me alot so i think i will do further research about them in the future to learn more:)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
BLog 7
We then went into the plantary hall i think that's what it's called and saw how different plants and trees grow. It showed the whole process in some displays and how the sun and the condition of the earth affects the growing ability. I can't say this part of the hall was that interesting it was slightly not my interest. But what was crazy was this huge piece of tree the museum have, it's chopped in half not saying it's have the tree but i don't know the word to descibed it, anyways it's like two of me standing on the shoulders. It is called The big tree, Mark Twain, from 550AD in California sierras. In the photograph it shows how big these trees grow, they are outragely tall.
The last hall i saw not knowing the name either but i think was called the human biology hall because it was 3 and i had a class at 435. It was the most coolest thing ever, mainly, it was like the sum of the whole human process in one room. I love biology so this really caught my eye, it started with how a cell looks upclose and how the process goes concerning how you get your mother mitchondria chromsome and how the guys get the Y chromsome, how it passes down. Then you see all these bones from all the primates and how each one evolve in to something else all the way down to us, the modern human, It was pretty amazing i thought. It was a video showing about how scientist now believe humans didn't get modernized in Europe but before humans left Africa they were already modern, which put the spotlight back on Africa. It was cool i thought, it was the best hall so far but i couldn't make it to see the Planet Earth hall because i was in the human hall for a hour.... but maybe next time.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Research Topic
My First resource is coming from a news report on the disappearing of Lake chad, it's from BBC News and it's a article about it. In the article they talk to people that depend on lake chad for resources to survive but because the lake is half not there it's becoming way harder for the villagers.
My second resource will be from An inconven truth because it has a couple of pages dedicated on my topic and in the book it tell and shows you have it's linked to global warming.
Plus, it's another source for showing me the impact it's having on the people surrounding the area.
An Inconvenient Truth, By: Al Gore
My third resource is coming from another new article that gives me some idea about a town i may want to write about and a village But i'm not sure yet. It's also explain to me the tension that's brewing within the community like the fisher, herdman, and villagers. It helps in making me understand the situation more so that i can be efficient in writing my paper.
Of course these are not my only sources because i will need way more but aleast these articles got my mind thinking about all the possibilities i can write about involving Lake Chad. And hopeful i can do it and write a good Paper about the environmental racism in Lake Chad villages or village:)
P.S i hope everyone voted!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I think we are heading to the point that everyone will have to change to do more for the earth, not just a couple but all 6.5 billion of us. Furthermore, we need to take blame for our actions as Chris Jordan said "we each are anonymous and no one is in charge or accountable for the consequences". It make us think its okay to pollute, it's okay to shop like wild people, it's okay to waste what others don't have, it's our thinking that need to be changed first then our actions and habits. We need a world not material stuff because that doesn't last billions of years like our precious EARTH! If we don't take care of it who will, we have the resources now, it's possible to heal the earth now if we got together and started, we can end the threat now!
Monday, October 20, 2008
blog 4
The next part was about shopping, this is in all honesty, i do not shop at all unless i have extra money left over. I'm not saying i'm a freak of nature but shopping isn't my thing, if i need it then i'll get it but if i want it i wait until i have extra money to afford it. I guess i can say if i was flowing with money i would probably shop until my knee caps fall off but on behalf of all the broke college students out there, shopping for pleasure is not an option. The activities that i see that brings me joy is seeing my family and actually babysitting my niece but also gaining knowledge from different sources like reading, listening to things, and the news... it give me things to think about. I can say my time matches my priorities because when i know something needs to be done it gets done. Futhermore, i would change the fact that i stay in the house alot and i feel like i need to get out and have fun, just to enjoy different places and meet new people.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
BLog 3
I think that's one of the major steps we need is government involvement and understanding that this problem is real and isn't going away. That's why i think if Mr. Obama gets in office, he will get the best scientists and also include Al Gore in solving the global warming crisis. Not to make this a polictical blog, which i think i'm doing lol, but i think if MCcain wins, drilling for oil will just make global warming worst and being that Mccain and Palin don't believe global warming is a man made issue, shows they don't believe how our actions effects the earth. It's sad how that slight difference between these candidates shows that with Mccain, global warming will never be addressed as a serious problem that our generation needs to solve now and just continue as being more of the same.
But of course, it's going to take us with the little steps to change a percentage of what's happening to the earth. We need to step up and stop putting it off for another day, we can change our habits and we can change them now like: polluting, littering, not conserving energy, not driving hybrids, not recycling, and hundred of more steps we are not doing. But i also believe to truly stop global warming, we need the big dogs lol (government) to invest the money we don't have and to change policies and to get the ball rolling in January:)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
I honestly can't say i do alot to care for my enviornment, but i do little steps like i don't litter, don't drive, i'm more on the organic side. I try not to use plastic much.... i'm going to get one of those cups like the professor.... because who don't want to save money:) If i do get a car it will be a hybrid but i'm still in the baby stages of changing my habits.
My very most concern for our world would have to be pollution, we are the leading cause for pollution in the world right now. Pollution is one of the major issues that we need to take serious, it's bad on our enviornment and very bad to our health.